“You’re leaving the big city corporate world for a quieter life in the country?”
People thought I was crazy! I’ve always been super ambitious and driven to climb the corporate ladder. However, I was anxious, stressed and unfulfilled.

My physical and mental health was deteriorating as I was “chasing the green” and burning out. I knew it was time to recharge and focus on creating a healthier lifestyle. Nowadays, the only green that I am chasing is in the garden of our sanctuary that we call, Green Acres.
The transition wasn’t easy. I have never owned a house or been the caretaker of any garden. A perfectionist, the task to maintain the beauty in front of me was exciting but overwhelming. The insight I have gained can really apply to anyone’s lifestyle.

Here is what this city to country-gal has learned:
Have the courage and confidence to just start, even when you are unsure.
For me, even walking into our local garden centre was intimidating for a big city girl. Not only did I walk out with beautiful flowers, I also found a new friend who taught me how to tend to my new gardens for spring.

Good things take time to bloom. You can reach new heights that you never thought were possible with a little patience and a plan.
When I saw the towering sunflowers in the yard of the house we were buying, It was love at first sight. I didn’t know how, but I was determined to recreate that magic the following spring. With patience, I learnt how to grow giant sunflowers from seed to magnificent 10 ft. giants!
How you start your day is everything! I start my day grounded, with clarity and a positive mindset. Taking control of my mornings allows me to be more productive and creative. Before checking emails, I instead check in with my plants - misting and pruning, and with myself. Feeling my hands in the earth and the sun on my face, I marvel at all the life around me. Seeing buds about to blossom is so therapeutic and grounding.

The more self-assured you become, the more you can trust in your own abilities and start building your meaningful life. I have always been very independent, putting myself through university, moving cities and countries in pursuit of opportunities. Growing my own food was on a whole other level of boosting my self-reliance. Gathering our first harvest from the garden that I nurtured was truly awe-inspiring.
It’s all about progress not perfection - you and your growing garden are beautiful just the way you are. I began to realize that perfection doesn’t exist in life or in gardening. There will always be one more weed to pull, bud to prune or email to answer. Like a garden, you are a work in progress.

When we tend to our environment we thrive and blossom.
I learned that cultivating a healthy mind and environment is key. When we take time to tend to our wellbeing we thrive and bloom. When we neglect our own wellbeing we can be overwhelmed and headed to burnout.
Remember to weed out the toxic to make room for healthy relationships and for plants to grow!
Having a clear vision of your life is your key to thriving.
In corporate life, I felt like a bud that needed to bloom. I loved the work but knew there was a better way to live a more balanced life. My vision was clear, to create a lifestyle I loved first, then blend in work around that. Develop your vision through action and make it a reality.

Based on my experience with gardening, my definition of ‘success’ has dramatically changed. It’s no longer the title on my business card. Now, I define success as the freedom to do what I love on my terms - that makes my life rich.
Gardening has given me the confidence to focus on running my own company instead of working for others. As I have continued to blossom, I have added influence to my vision, marketing the luxury and lifestyle brands I love.
Remember, it all starts with your vision. Plant the seeds, nurture, water them and you will start to bloom too!

Tamara Atzenwiler
Instagram: @Tamara_Atzenwiler
Facebook: Tamara Atzenwiler
To contact Tamara: tamara@atzenwilerbusinessconsulting.com.
With over 20 years of experience consulting with international CEOs, Tamara is now President of a consulting firm in Ottawa, Canada. With her passion for marketing, lifestyle and luxury goods, Tamara has expanded her business to include ‘influencing,’ allowing her to interact daily with clients and customers while successfully marketing products she is passionate about.
Amazing Article! Love it !