Nyla Fuller, an internationally published Canadian model/national fitness competitor based in Calgary, Alberta, shares her favourite fit tips. Guaranteed to uplift spirits and get you moving!
Let’s face it, being stuck inside due to COVID restrictions has its downfalls. As a fitness enthusiast and competitor, I normally channel the energy of a buzzing gym into my training and get motivated seeing my gym family each day. Exercise, fitness goals and challenges play a huge role in my mental happiness.

With gym closures, fitness competition cancellations, travel restrictions and social distancing requirements at play, it’s been a long run to drum up personal motivation and stay in touch with the fitness community.
Here are some ways that I’ve maintained my active lifestyle and mental health:
I wake up at the same time each day, stretch, eat meals on time and keep consistent work hours. I’ve also maintained my daily gym time, focusing on home workouts and other forms of exercise. Our bodies like routine and mine is used to being active and on a set schedule.

Get Moving:
Most mornings I do 20 minutes of cardio, be it an outdoor walk or sprinting up and down my condo building’s stairs. To break up the day, I usually take a mid-day coffee walk to either catch up with friends (socially distanced), do some errands or just get some fresh air.

Stay Connected
Friends, Family, Social Circles, Interest Groups:
As the pandemic began, I joined a Montreal-based fitness training and competition team - Ludachris Fitness. My assigned coach builds me home workouts and a nutrition plan. It’s been a great way to meet people online across Canada with shared goals. On social media, I follow fellow fitness competitors and enthusiasts that motivate me, while I benefit from home workout tips, food ideas and supplement reviews.
Limit Screen Time:
Daily rotation between the computer, phone and television can take its toll. I aim to stay off all electronics an hour before bedtime to let my brain unwind. A good book and journaling helps me relax and mentally recharge.

Practice Gratitude:
Yes, I wish the gyms were open. Instead of dwelling on the uncontrollable, I’ve found it helpful to be thankful for other lifestyle adjustments that are currently possible. Grateful for my health and the extra sleep - the lack of commute allots. Extra time at home allows for work on activities that I normally neglect, such as mobility work, reading, cooking and my competition posing routine.

Get More Sleep:
There are so many health benefits associated with getting enough sleep. Adequate sleep lowers stress, decreases appetite and cravings, while increasing insulin sensitivity which supports a healthy metabolism and overall wellness.
As challenging as COVID restrictions have been, I truly feel that by focusing on what we can do in a day versus not do, I get to feel fit, happy, healthy and connected!
Nyla Fuller
Instagram: @nyla.fitness