Many of us have a passion or a dream that may seem impossible to achieve - especially when we dare to dream sky high- yet sometimes we must make a commitment to our true passion to make things happen.

Almost ten years ago, I made a monumental decision: to establish a new life in Canada as a mainstream jewelry expert. Perhaps I never would have left my luxurious and comfortable lifestyle as a Diamond Cruise Shopping Guide & TV Host had I not only believed in the opportunity but also my readiness to make the sacrifices to fulfil what I believed was my life’s mission.
After quitting my job and landing in Canada, I knew I had to further my experience and knowledge in my field, even if this meant starting again from scratch. I got a job working long hours at a mall jewelry store counter and learning behind the scenes from the goldsmiths themselves. You can imagine I discovered it was not as glamorous as the rockstar career I had left behind on the cruise ship! And all while making minimum wage.

True to my love of jewelry, I began dreaming of having my own brand as a jewelry designer even though I knew it would take time, determination, and a lot of work. Slowly but surely, I began to take steps to realize my dreams: I got a job doing corporate training for a well-known jewelry brand as an ambassador to Canada. This took me across the country, carrying a suitcase filled with training manuals, props, and a million dollars’ worth of jewelry. It was an amazing experience that allowed me to learn in-depth the art of jewelry making and the industry itself, even though this meant being away from my family and friends. I was constantly flying and driving all over Canada, battling snowstorms, working early mornings and long days and in high heels, no less!
Years later, I entered the world of home shopping on television here in Canada and the US, which turned out to be a natural next step. I discovered a new passion that gave me tremendous joy: selling jewelry on live television while also sharing the stories behind the gemstones.

Today I can proudly say that I created my own brand. I now design jewelry for those very same women who used to come to the mall, events, or shopped on TV. Strong, successful women like me who know they deserve beautiful jewelry as a reward and a symbol of all their hard work.

I now face the new challenge of creating a global brand, which once again requires the same hard work, determination, and persistence I have drawn from throughout my journey. I encourage all of you across the world to follow your dreams! If you want it badly enough and are willing to work hard for it, I assure you that with love and passion, you can make the impossible possible.

Founder & Designer
